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Wellness Shots in Radnor, PA

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Methylcobalamin is an active form of Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps to utilize fats and carbohydrates for energy and make new proteins. Vitamin B12 is important in the maintenance of our metabolism, blood cells, and nerve function. Most people get enough vitamin B12 in their diet, but some need supplementation. Certain health conditions such as intestinal or stomach problems, poor nutrition, cancer, HIV, pregnancy, old age, veganism, and alcoholism can cause vitamin B12 deficiency. Low levels of vitamin B12 can lead to fatigue and anemia in milder cases. More serious B12 deficiencies have the potential to impair heart and neurological function, leading to a wide range of serious symptoms, including but not limited to tinnitus, severe joint pain, memory problems, depression, anxiety, poor muscle function, ataxia, and changes in reflexes. Infertility can also occur in individuals with insufficient B12. Early intervention and treatment of B12 deficiencies are key to maintaining healthy bodily function.

Lipo-Mino Mix starts with a special lipotropic fat-burning combination of methionine, inositol, choline, carnitine, B1, B2, B6, and B12. Each of these ingredients can help the body turn fat into energy.

I started going to body and beauty lab last May. I get Botox from Lisa. She is fabulous. It looks so natural. My eyebrows get a subtle lift and my forehead looks wrinkle free and the skin glows. She takes the time out to chat about the procedure and personal. She also is careful to follow ur wishes. I get compliments on how healthy my skin is all the time since I started going to her. I will be adding services such as microneedling because I trust the team there! I am a nurse practitioner and understand the value of skill.

A.M. Google

Apart of the 65+ crowd, I was worried to start injectables at such a young and hip place due to aging skin/ heaviness that us "older" people have to consider. After spending 5 minutes with Sarah, I felt my "aging/ older" concerns were completely understood. If you are apart of the older crowd or simply find yourself wanting to going back a few years... book now! I have enjoyed all my appointments and more so my refreshed look. Thank you Sarah & Courtney!

M.B. Google

Lisa W is fabulous!! She really takes the time to know you and your goals during the consult. She’s got a great eye and will have an honest discussion about what she feels is best for you, personally. Her demeanor helps you feel calm and confident. I couldn’t imagine a better experience

J.F. Google

Lisa is a wonderful injector! She's knowledgeable, sweet, and does a wonderful job tailoring to each client's special requests!

S.R. Google

Apart of the 65+ crowd, I was worried to start injectables at such a young and hip place due to aging skin/ heaviness that us "older" people have to consider. After spending 5 minutes with Sarah, I felt my "aging/ older" concerns were completely understood. If you are apart of the older crowd or simply find yourself wanting to going back a few years... book now! I have enjoyed all my appointments and more so my refreshed look. Thank you Sarah & Courtney!

R.B. Google


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